Yesterday I started reading a non-fiction book, This Is Getting Old by Susan Moon, which, darn it, turned out to be not so great. But I was gobsmacked when I saw her dedication in the front of the book:

As a grandma myself who had a wonderful mother and now has extraordinary grandchildren — you, too? — I really had to sit a moment and absorb this. The author is right! I only knew my mother for part of her life … and I am only seeing and enjoying my granddaughters for part of theirs. The same thoughts apply about my terrific dad and my grandsons.
One of my favorite sayings is, “Kiss the joy as it flies.” I think this author is saying the same thing but with more specifics.
I don’t find such thoughts depressing. Do you? I just think it’s extraordinary that after you hold the hands of loved ones that the passage of time takes away, if you’re lucky like you and me, happily, the passage of time puts new little hands in ours. Ah, life!
As always, I love to have your input. Please use the Comments section below. Thanks!
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That gave me goosebumps too and made me feel very grateful!
P.S. Love your blog.
I agree with you, the dedication is the best part of the book.
Unfortunately, yes. Well, Joanne, there’s always the next book!
Have just discovered your blog and wow, does it speak to me, Jane! We are of very similar age and circumstances, except two of my four grands moved from a few houses from us in Virginia to Tokyo! About 8,000 miles! And during a pandemic with travel restrictions! And with the significant problem of 13 or 14 hour time zone differences! The struggle is real! I appreciate your tips and techniques. Thanks!
May I suggest a newly published book that I think is perfect for reading with children of many ages? So many themes and concepts that can be discussed. It’s Dozens of Donuts by Carrie Finison, illustrated by Brianne Farley. In my view, the perfect read aloud book. (I’m just a fan – no affiliation!)
Half of your darlings in Tokyo?!? Oh, Kathy! What a challenge you have in staying connected especially with this darn pandemic.
I am glad you discovered my blog and thanks for your praise!
I will check out Dozens of Donuts. Thanks for the recommendation!