“He’s here and he’s perfect!”

That was the announcement from a very exhausted midwife, grinning ear to ear, telling us of the birth of our new grandson! Every expectant grandparent yearns for those precious words. The three siblings jumped up and down with joy … and I felt I would wilt right on the spot. He’s here, he’s here, and all is right with the world.

With such happy hearts, my husband and I welcome darling Sebastian! We were arriving at their Washington home a week before his due date. We thought that was plenty of time, but we found out the morning of our flight that our daughter-in-law was already in labor. Sebastian held off his arrival until after we made ours, but only by a few hours.

What a lucky baby he is to have such extraordinary, loving parents who will make his upbringing one of the priorities of their lives. Gazing at a new grandchild is 100 times more wonderful when you know he will be raised in a wonderful home.

His older siblings are so in love with him, and have eagerly claimed him as part of their gang. When Sebastian was about a day old, five-year old Anderson was carefully studying him and declared with wonderment, “I didn’t expect him to be this cute!”

Well, Anderson, I never expected to be this happy about growing old! What an incredible, indescribable joy are grandchildren. Grandparents know what I mean. You who are yet to experience it, you’re in for the time of your life.

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3 thoughts on ““He’s here and he’s perfect!””

  1. Congratulations!!! We just had our seventh. You’d think it would get “old” but it doesn’t! Each one is a miracle.

  2. Our first is due in March 2020. They live in Seattle, we live in New Mexico. So far you’re telling our story! I hope we can make the long distance work as well as you do!

    • Oh, goodness, are you in for the time of your life! Congrats on your 2020 arrival date.
      Living far apart is not ideal, by any means, but you really can make it work for you and the new love!


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